April Fools Day Ideas

I am quite the prankster in our house. I get it from my dad, he was always playing jokes. The best prank I ever pulled off was years ago and I belly laugh thinking or telling that story. When my husband was in the shower getting ready for work, I took his car and hid it along our tall fence. You could not see it unless you were looking for it and yes my neighbors gave me the ok. We drove the same make of car at the time so our remotes looked the same, so I switched them. He had my car remote on his key ring. I maintained my composure some how when he was leaving hands full work items, jacket, keys, lunch. Said our goodbyes and out the door he went then stopped in his tracks. Where is my car? And I tried to act normal like what do you mean? He hit the panic button and heard my car go off in the garage. I completely lost it laughing hysterically and he in turn was late to work, but has gone down as best prank ever!

Here are some ideas:

Rubber band around trigger spray of sink, so when the faucet turns on it sprays you.

Remove all toilet paper from bathroom

Lock the bathroom door (but make sure someone knows a way to get back inside.

Switch phones in phone cases.

Call kids by wrong name

Classic jump out when they are not expecting it.

Sour Cream instead of Mayo on sandwiches

Bug is on them where they can’t see (head, back, neck)

Check out Pinteresthttps://www.pinterest.com/search/pins/?rs=ac&len=2&q=april%20fools%20pranks&eq=april%20fool&etslf=8155&term_meta[]=april%7Cautocomplete%7C0&term_meta[]=fools%7Cautocomplete%7C0&term_meta[]=pranks%7Cautocomplete%7C0

for more ideas.

Whatever you do make sure its fun and you can laugh at it later and please no one gets hurt!!!!