Busy week of dinners

This week we have 3 field hockey games, soccer and a ton of projects! We will need quick and easy dinners so this will be our plan:

Sunday: Smoked Brisket and wings

Hubby has off so I asked him to make dinner. We used our butchers box brisket and wings. SO GOOD! Threw French fries in air fryer and roasted broccoli.

Monday: Spaghetti Night

It’s a game night and this is quick and easy and filling! I actually cooked it earlier so we can just reheat when we get home.

Tuesday nachos

I will use leftover brisket on top of Tostitos cheese pop in oven then everyone can put their own toppings

Wednesday: Salmon

I will use butcher box frozen salmon fillets top with pad of butter lemon slice and a sprinkle of dill. Bake in oven with asparagus and done ✅

Thursday: Take Out

It’s my turn to pick dinner this week due to winning the bb bracket challenge. I’m picking our local hibachi restaurant, can’t wait! Plus it’s another game night.

Friday: leftovers

It’s a clean out the fridge and fix yourself dinner night.

Saturday: Frozen pizza

Frozen pizza for the kids and I might make a pesto cauliflower crust for hubby and me.

Have a great week!